Roundtable Discussion: Preparing Your Book Manuscript: From Proposal to Publication

Posted by Avi Staiman, community karma 57

We are delighted to invite you to an upcoming roundtable discussion with Dr. Cedric Cohen Skalli (Director of Bucerius Institute, Haifa University), Prof. Jonathan Decter (Chair of Sephardic Studies, Brandeis University), and Sylvia Fuks Fried (Editorial Director, Brandeis University Press).

In the first hour of this special 'double interview', Cedric and Jonathan will discuss the details of Cedric's new intellectual biography of Don Isaac Abravanel. In the second hour, Cedric, Sylvia, and Avi will discuss the behind-the-scenes process of translating Cedric's book and preparing it for publication. Feel free to come for either part of the discussion or the entire thing!

Register for free to attend the interview where you will learn about Cedric's book and the process of putting it all together.

April 29 at 5:30 PM- IST/ 2:30PM GMT/ 10:30 AM EST on Zoom.

Learn more and register

Can't make it? Register using the link above and we will send you a recording.

Thank you very much and have a wonderful day.


Avi Staiman, CEO

over 3 years ago