Loyola Law Review’s Call for Article Submissions – Exclusive Submission Track

Posted by Lee Williams, community karma 47
Dear Authors,

The Loyola New Orleans Law Review is now seeking articles for publication in the Law Review’s upcoming Fall edition. The Law Review welcomes submissions from both academics and practitioners, covering any area of law and policy.

We are accepting exclusive submissions whereby all pieces submitted by August 14, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time will bypass the initial article screening process and will be immediately reviewed by the Articles Editors. All final publication decisions will be made by August 21, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Submitting authors agree to withhold the article submitted through our exclusive submission track from submission to any other publication until receiving a decision back from the Loyola Law Review. Submitting authors also agree to accept a publication offer if the Loyola Law Review makes an offer on the exclusively submitted article. Authors not receiving publication offers are free to submit elsewhere on August 22, 2022.

To submit via the exclusive track, please email the article manuscript and a CV to ldwillia@my.loyno.edu. Please kindly write “2022 Exclusive Submission Track” in the subject line. To be considered, the above procedures must be complied with.

Other, non-exclusive track authors are asked to submit their work through our Scholastica page. However, authors may submit their manuscripts to the Law Review by email, if necessary, at ldwillia@my.loyno.edu.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Law Review at the email address listed above. Publication decisions will be made on a rolling basis.

Thank you, and we look forward to reviewing your submissions!

The Loyola New Orleans Law Review
about 2 years ago