[Free eBook] Academic Journal Management Best Practices Tales from the Trenches

Posted by Danielle Padula, community karma 473

We're starting a conversation about academic journal management strategies and experiences!

Academic Journal Management Best Practices: Tales from the Trenches, a free eBook from Scholastica, explores strategies experienced journal editors across STEM, the humanities, and social sciences are using to refine and speed up their peer review processes.

If you haven't already, check out this free resource: http://scholasticahq.com/academic-journal-management-tales-from-the-trenches 

What steps are you taking to optimize your journal's peer review process? We encourage you to share your thoughts about this ebook, personal editorship best practices, journal management questions, and links to additional publishing resources in this thread! 


Cory Schires, community karma 1465
New resource that may be of interest to journal editors:

"Frequently Asked Questions about Federal Public Access Policies for Data and Publications"

Micah VandegriftScholarly Communications Librarian at Florida State University, started this crowdsourced doc to pool together the scholarly communities knowledge of OA policies. Anyone can add questions to the doc or supply answers to the FAQs already listed. 

over 9 years ago
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Elli Olson, community karma 677
While reading this eBook you should definitely check out the links to resources from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), especially the Code of Conduct Flowcharts. COPE offers clear advice on establishing and maintaining your journal's ethical guidelines.

On that note, I wanted to share an update from COPE. They just announced new guidelines on "Sharing of Information Among Editors-in-Chief Regarding Possible Misconduct."

over 9 years ago
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