Columbia Business Law Review Survey - Call for Submissions

Posted by CBLR Submissions, community karma 31
The Columbia Business Law Review is pleased to announce its 2019-20 Survey Issue: A Decade of Dodd-Frank: Reflections on the Future of Financial Regulation. Ten years after the passage of one of the most significant pieces of financial oversight legislation since the Great Depression, implementation of Dodd-Frank continues and many aspects of the legislation remain controversial. While some laud the bill's efforts to increase consumer protection and strengthen oversight of financial institutions, others criticize its role in adding to the power of the regulatory state. Similarly, many supporters call for expansion of some of the bill's provisions - such as those providing for greater consumer protection - and praise the creation of the "Systemically Important Financial Institution" designation, while critics have attacked requirements imposed on small banks and credit unions and sought to delay implementation of notable provisions such as the Volcker Rule.

The 2019-20 CBLR Survey Issue seeks to address the most pressing financial and regulatory implications of Dodd-Frank ten years after its historic enactment. CBLR accepts submissions at 
about 5 years ago