CALL FOR SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALS: Connecticut Law Review Vol. 57

Posted by Gretchen Yelmini, community karma 3739

The Connecticut Law Review is soliciting symposium proposals for Volume 57 (2024–25). Our symposium event will be held in October 2024, either as a full-day or more tailored program. We typically aim to publish five to seven articles or essays in the accompanying print issue. The Law Review is seeking proposals of no longer than two pages on a timely and important legal topic.  

Proposals should include: 

  • a one-paragraph description of the subject matter of the symposium;  
  • discussion of the timeliness or importance of the topic and its contribution to legal scholarship; and 
  • the name of the prospective advisor.  

We also prefer (but do not require) that proposals include: 

  • a preliminary list of contributors and their institutional affiliations; and  
  • a brief description of the symposium panel topics. 

Proposals should be submitted in electronic format to the Law Review's Symposium Editors, Casey Corvino ( and Julia Vassallo ( We ask that you submit no later than December 1, 2023.