Call for Submissions - SMU Law Review

Posted by Hannah Luke, community karma 307

The SMU Law Review is currently reviewing submissions for our upcoming volume. Please send submissions through Scholastica, and include your manuscript, CV, and any other attachments as both Word and PDF files. Please contact with any questions. Thank you for considering SMU Law Review

Published four times each year, the SMU Law Review reaches law professors, attorneys, and judges throughout the United States and abroad. Each issue includes articles by prominent legal scholars and practitioners dealing with significant questions of local, national, and international law. In addition, articles by students analyze recent cases, statutes, and developments in the law. All editing is done by student members of the board of editors and the staff. The SMU Law Review also sponsors the annual SMU Corporate Counsel Symposium on current developments in corporate law. The symposium attracts corporate practitioners from throughout the United States.

The SMU Law Review is published by the SMU Law Review Association. The Association also publishes the Journal of Air Law and Commerce and the Texas Survey.