Call For Immigration-themed Submissions - Charleston Law Review Vol. XI

Posted by Lauren Daniels, community karma 61

The Charleston Law Review would like to announce a call for submissions for the 2017 Spring Symposium Edition. The Journal is seeking 3 articles dealing specifically with immigration and interrelated issues, to coincide with the theme of the upcoming 2017 Spring Symposium.

Some potential thematic topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Ethical challenges in the practice of immigration law
  • Human rights and immigration in the United States
  • Constitutional issues
  • The 14th Amendment's birthright clause and the future of U.S. citizenship
  • Immigration reform and the U.S. Economy

Also, if an author would like to speak in support of their article at the Charleston Law Review's upcoming Symposium, scheduled for February 10th, 2017, please contact the Journal's Symposium Editor, Geoffrey Waite, at with a brief bio, CV, and copy of the article submitted for publication consideration.

Thank you all in advance for your time and consideration.

- David DuTremble

Editor in Chief, Vol. XI

Charleston Law Review

about 8 years ago